
Below are resources you may find helpful regarding this year's focus on the topic of living with a peaceful spirit.  Click on any title to be directed to a link for further information.  We will add to this page throughout the year.


The Rule of Benedict, A Spirituality for the 21st CenturyJoan Chittister

Sadhana: A Way to God - Anthony de Mello

Seeking God, The Way of St. Benedict - Esther deWaal

Wisdom Distilled from the Daily, Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today - Joan Chittister


Let Your Servant Now Go in Peace O Lord (Taize - Nunc Dimittis), Jacques Berthier

Deep Peace, Bill Douglas

Deer's Cry, Also known as "St. Patrick's Breastplate" and "Lorica".  Used at our July gathering at Shepherd's Corner.