2014 Schedule

"Acquire a peaceful spirit and thousands around you will be saved."  
~ St. Seraphim of Sarov

Contemplative Saturdays are open to all who want to hear God's Spirit in silence and in sharing.  This group invites both learning and practice of prayer forms to enrich our connection with the Holy One.

Below is a list of upcoming gatherings, the guide for each, and the focus for that day.  Unless otherwise noted, all events take place Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-noon in the Living Room of St. Alban's located at 333 S. Drexel Avenue, Bexley, OH 43209.  This page is updated as new information is added and changes are made so check back often.  To connect with someone, visit the "Contact Us" page on this blog.

January 13, Amma Susan Smith
"Rule of Benedict: A Daily Centering Guide"

February 8, Rev. Michael Jupin
"Being Peace - Finding God in All Things"

March 15, Judy Smoot, Sr. Thoma Swanson
"Peace Beyond Words - Art & Journaling"
10:30-noon at Chapel of St. Mary of the Springs (Registration is required by March 8.  A donation of $3-$5/person is appreciated. To register, email Judy Smoot.)

April 5, Judy Smoot
"The Benedictine Practice of Stability - Peace in Upheaval"
Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister writes, "In this day and age everything is expected to be instant, nothing is to be endured … we want things when we want them."  How do we each develop our own way of remaining stable when life seems in turmoil, busy, out of control, unknown, etc.?  It is simple to be at peace when life seems calm.  There is freedom in developing a spiritual rhythm that supports you in remaining grounded and stable when waves are crashing into your little boat.  

May 10, Jonathan Loopstra
"St. Isaac of Nineveh on the Practice of Contemplative Prayer"
Isaac of Nineveh was a seventh-century monastic teacher known, even in his own day, for his very practical admonitions about how one can develop and strengthen one’s spiritual life.  Isaac died in the year 700, but in the two centuries following his death his homilies spread far and wide, crossing geographic, linguistic, and confessional barriers.  Today, Isaac of Nineveh is a beloved spiritual writer, whose writings are shared by Christians in the East and the West.

One of the secrets of Isaac’s fame is his challenging vision of the extent of God’s Love for us, and his reminder that we can better participate in that Love through prayer.  In this session, we will look at what Isaac of Nineveh has to teach us about contemplative prayer, and we will have a chance to pray with the words of this great master of the spiritual life.

June 14, Amma Susan Smith
"Chanting: Praying in Musical Voice"

July 12, Judy Smoot
"Quiet Day: Developing a Spiritual Rhythm"
9:30-3:30, Shepherd's Corner, Blacklick, Ohio (Registration is required.  Event fee TBD.  To register, email Judy Smoot.)

August 9, Judy Smoot
"Partners in Peace: Beyond Words With Others"

September 20, Judy Smoot
"Labyrinth Prayer"
9:45-noon, Shepherd's Corner, Blacklick, Ohio (Registration is required.  A donation of $15/person is appreciated.  To register, email Judy Smoot.

October 4, Amma Susan and George Herbert, feline
"Peace Mediated Through Animals and all Creation"

November 15, Amma Susan/Rev. Chaplain Mike Reynolds
"Being Peace, Giving Peace: How our Practice can be Pastoral to the Living and the Dying"
Mike is a chaplain with Zusman Hospice in Bexley.

December 6, Amma Susan/Robert Howorth
"Blessing:Granting each other God's Peace"